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发布时间:2024-03-21 浏览次数:

传统二十四节气之“春分”CHUN  FEN



Spring Equinox is the fourth of the 24 solar terms.It usually falls on March 20 or 21.when the sun shines directly on the equator, and the length of day and night is almost the same, so it's called "equinox" After that, the sun' s position gradually moves northward and days begin to grow longer and nights become shorter in the northern hemisphere.


After this day, the sun continues to move to the north hemisphere and the temperature continues to rise.

Daily average temperature in most areas in China reaches 0 degree

Celsius above.The warm weather and abundant rainfall at this time are critical for the growth of crops.

竖鸡蛋 Egg-standing games


There are many interesting activities and folk customs about Spring Equinox. One of them is to erect eggs.Some people believe that Spring Equinox is the best time to practice this game because on this day the axis of the earth relatively balanced against the orbital plane of the earth's rotation around the sun, which makes it easier to make an egg stand.


The saying that "when Spring Equinox arrives, eggs are nice" is still alive this day.It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.

放风筝 Flying kites


Flying kites is another interesting activity on Spring Equinox.

In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources. So to pray for health, they wrote their medical issue on paper kite. When the kite was in the air, people would cut off the string to let the kite float away symbolizing the flying away of diseases.Later flying kites developed into a popular game in spring.On Spring Equinox, people write a blessing on the kite hoping that the gods in the sky would see it and bless them.

吃春菜 Eating spring vegetables


Eating spring vegetables during the Spring Equinox is a commonly practiced custom in many regions of China. "Spring vegetables" refers to seasonal vegetables that differ from place to place. The ancient teachings in the Chinese classic, Huangdi Neijing, suggests that people eat seasonal foods to help preserve health and bring good luck.

祭祀大明神 Sacrifice to the Sun god


During the Spring Equinox, an old traditional practiced by Beijing locals is offering sacrifices to the Sun god. This tradition is called "Zhonghe Festival". The "Sun Cake", a round cake made from wheat and sugar, serves as the main offering


• 节气 solar term

• 标志着 signal

• 昼夜时间相等 equal length of the day and night time

• 赤道 equator

• 南半球/北半球 Southern/Northern Hemisphere

• tute the axis of the earth

• 平衡的 balanced

• 燕子北飞 swallows fly north


egg-standing / stand an egg upright

• 放风筝 fly kites

• 吃春菜 eat spring vegetables

• 时令蔬菜 seasonal vegetables


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